Friday, 18 December 2009

Quick, quick, slow

In a week I've been to London and back and wound up Paris courses at Parsons and the American University and revised and got the go-ahead on finals for the Snail book and accepted and done roughs for two spreads for Pomme d'Api and caught up with emails for the scbwi Bologna conference with the great result that Harper US art director Martha Rago and publisher Neal Porter of Roaring Brook US will be joining my First Look panel.
That had to be one sentence.
It was a quick, quick week.
But this morning and evening -  a  slow slow drive through thick snow to Chantilly station and Paris for my last  teaching day until late January. 
Here's a colour revison of the rainy Snail cover.  Tourbillon like these colours - more spring like?
Now to polishing this (so the rain doesn't look like snow)  along with the other 4 spreads up to finals, before we drive off to Blighty on Saturday.  Snail's pace again if there's more ice and snow.

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